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Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Not one of those...

Published by cck at 7:28 PM

You know what I mean -- the blog posts on myspace where some loser writes, "This is about you and you know who you are. We may never speak much anymore. I want you to look at yourself and ask yourself what your purpose is in life. Why does the drink mean so much to you."

Yeah, um - dude, I don't know who you are talking about, and just for that reason -- I'm not real sure I want to remain your myspace friend.

I've almost been in Tallahassee a year - and what a year it has been. I was surprised at how moving catapulted me back into Middle School. There were clear cliques and lines... And, quite honestly, I wasn't sure where I fit in to the whole thing.

Friends run the gamut no matter where you go - from fun to spiteful and accepting to catty. It's so very interesting to discover new dynamics -- no matter where you, somehow it's all the same.