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follow me on twitter maybe we should try this whole tweeting thing. all the cool kids are doing it.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Graduation Speaker

Published by cck at 8:05 PM

On Saturday, we endured the longest graduation speech I have ever heard. It was draining and the only humorous part was watching the graduates twitch with boredom on the floor of the Civic Center.

Nonetheless, I am always moved at the tradition and pomp of graduation ceremonies and Florida State University's graduation was no exception. My sister-in-law received her Masters Degree in Early Childhood Education. We cheered when she walked across the stage - I think she heard us even though she claims she was concentrating on not falling. It brought back happy memories of graduations gone by - both friends and my own.

I also got the bug. The go-back-to-school bug. I even looked up possible programs. We'll see. Let's just say I won't be attending any more graduations this year.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

One quick thought...

Published by cck at 8:33 PM

as I wait for 9 pm and the Real Housewives of NYC Reunion.

Apparently, after taking a quiz to find out which housewife I am most like, turns out I'm most like LuAnn. I'm thrilled. She's one of my favorites on the show.

However, as I pondered posting this new nugget of information on my Facebook page - I realized that I was as excited about being LuAnn as I was being Miranda.

Are the Real Housewives our substitute Sex & the City Gals?


Published by cck at 11:36 AM

Last night - late - I read emails dated a year ago today. It was intense. Wait, I was intense. WHAT DO YOU MEAN THE CHAIR COVERS ONLY COME IN IVORY? I NEED CHAMPAGNE. !!!!

Much calmer these days. And today I was asked what we were going to do to celebrate our anniversary. In my head, I was thinking two things: I finally get to eat cake and sex. I think the two really go hand in hand. That's my fantasy -- year old cake and married sex. I can hear your jealousy.

I'm not sure. I'd love to take the day and head to Apalachicola for some oysters and sun. That might happen. Or perhaps we'll lay on the couch watching bad movies. Everything's possible. I've been married a year and I love my life. What couldn't happen?

Monday, April 21, 2008

I don't wear one either.

Published by cck at 10:06 AM

Friday, April 18, 2008

One year later

Published by cck at 3:52 PM

I've been married almost a year. Almost a year - some days it feels like twenty years and some days it feels like twenty minutes. I'm ecstatic that we've made it. I wish more people talked about how difficult the first year was -- my Great Aunt Patty talks about it. I love to hear her story of how she married her husband because she couldn't make rent on her own.

It's been hard. Yeah. But, the good parts have been really good too. Standing next to my husband during some pretty big stuff. Watching Chris finish and get started all at the same time. Spending Saturday mornings getting bagels and reading newspapers. Ripping up carpeting and sanding down natural wood floors. Man, we've had such an interesting year. I've really had fun. It's pretty amazing.

One year later and I still really like spending time with him. Recently, I made a pretty big decision. That while I enjoy having a challenging career, I don't enjoy my life as much. After making this decision, I slept through the night for the first time in a year. The whole vibe in my house has changed. I think even the dog is calmer.

K. looked at me last week - and in all seriousness - told me he wants to start our family. And before you hyperventilate (which was my reaction), we're not thinking of anytime too soon. We've just run through the first part of getting through all the stress stuff -- I'm not about to add a baby to the mix. Yet. But, damn. When the man you love - the man you trust, admire, understand and treasure - tells you he wants to start a family with you it's a little difficult to not jump head-first into Babies r' Us mailing lists and lurking on the mommies-to-be message boards.

Remind me to stay in the moment.


Published by cck at 3:43 PM

The Democrats in the Florida House forced a rare trick this afternoon. With Republicans missing in the House, Minority Leader Gelber moved to read each bill on the docket in its entirety. It was funny to watch. The poor young readers looked bewildered and Speaker Rubio kept keeping order by interrupting the process. No blackberries! No internet! No talking and keep your seats!


And in other news, my brother apparently graduates from college in two weeks. I'm going to watch it online - he didn't invite me, but I'll be damned if I miss that boy walk across the stage. He's 25 (almost 26) and I'm really proud of him. He might not have invited me - but I guess I didn't get the extra-kick-to-the-gut of him un-inviting me. I'll be cheering little brother.
I'll always be cheering.

Monday, April 07, 2008

Martha-Stewart-On-Crack Weekend

Published by cck at 7:21 AM

Man -- I need to back to blogging. It's been so busy lately that my head just spins.

I had a weekend alone -- which was lovely. I enjoyed it - until the third night alone. And then I started to get antsy. I'm embarrassed. I should be able to go a week at least without wishing he could teleport home. That said, I delighted in Weird Single Girl behavior. I played and read and drank tea straight from the jug. I poked and plucked and did entirely too much laundry. I danced around the house with Sixty Minute Man blaring. It was goofy and I did enjoy myself.

So, I'm obsessed with curtains lately. Could be because I have a lot of windows. A lot of windows. Or perhaps because I'm obsessed with fabric? Both! I made roller shades and a box valance and the cutest cafe curtains (bedroom & dining room!). So cool -- and all basically no-sew. The roller shade one was the best: check out directions here and then take it to the next level here. I'll try to post some pictures if I ever get a camera (more on that later).