And because there's so much, let's go to bullets, shall we?
- I'm fat. No, no - before you start telling me that's a nasty word, I am. And it's okay. I've gone a lot overboard the last few years and I'm going to do s
omething about it. I have a new doctor who, I am assured, is aggressive when it comes to thyroid issues. Considering mine is hovering at the 25% operational line, we're gonna get this under control. Because I am wearing this dress to one of the weddings scheduled for September. Well, maybe this dress, maybe not.
- I'll be blogging about losing weight. Don't hate me. This won't be a Weight Watchers blog or anything like that (unless WW wants to sponsor me: holla!). It will be about keeping me honest. Y'all hold me to it.
- Please disregard the look and feel of the blog. I am in the middle of a redesign and it's going to take a while to get it right... This is not it.
- Weddings and looking forward: I'm hopeful on the relationship stuff. Thank you for the support. I was surprised at the feedback - surprised and encouraged. Not that, like, I don't deserve it. It's just tough. People pick sides and I don't want to do that. Anyhoodle, K.'s two best friends, both of whom were in our wedding, are tying the knot in September. I am, at this moment, thinking that I will be a normal married couple by then. How's that for optimism.
- I cry while watching Grey's Anatomy. I'm embarrassed and I am seeking help. It's worse now that several seasons of Grey's are available on netflix instant. It's bad. And good. And emo.
- I love watching the RPOF implode. It's excellent. If I used my corporate card for personal items, I would be fired. Even if that is not the case at your office, legislators using soft money to fund their lifestyles is ridiculous. Wrong. Entitled. C'mon guys - the white landed gentry of Florida deserve better.
- I had the luck of finding a Good Samaritan today. I lost my wallet and not only was it found, but the honest woman tracked me down to return it. How did I get so lucky?
- While I was downtown today retrieving my wallet, I saw my first stripper heels of the season. Ladies - I realize you're under the age of 25 and just love strutting. I get that, we all did it at one time or another (thank goodness the style was the Roach Killer and not the stripper heel five years ago). Nonetheless, you're going to kill your feet. And - at some point - you're going to fall. The sidewalks are not your friend. Put the platform 6" heels away. It does a body good.
- And finally, Dear ABC: I hate you for sucking me in to The Bachelor. I have avoided every single episode until this season. I dislike Vienna so much. And Jake on Dancing with the Stars just doesn't fit (am secretly overjoyed to see Kate though, not gonna lie).
For the record, there's nothing wrong with crying over Grey's Anatomy. That's reasonable at least. The other night I was getting teary while watching the new show where celebrities trace their family history. I couldn't even figure out why - it's not a sad show!
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