Since I have not made jello shots since college (which is quickly headed for that 10 year mark), what flavors of jello shots do you like?
I'm planning ahead for FSU - Clemson. Just roll with it.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Jello Shots
Published by cck at 9:59 AM
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Published by cck at 3:00 PM
Hi. If anyone would like two tickets to the Carolina v. Arkansas game I would love to send them to you.
Not particularly good tickets, but they're yours if you want them. Leave me a message.
ps. (I hate eBay).
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
A little melancholy on the inside
Published by cck at 11:02 AM
If I'm a little melancholy on the inside, but generally optimistic and happy, is that a bad thing?
(in reading Everyday Stranger)
On Voting...
Published by cck at 9:51 AM
I voted on Monday - the first day of early voting in Florida. It was beautiful. In the morning, more than 800 students and faculty from Florida A&M marched to Leon County Courthouse - with the marching band - to line up to vote. I get goosebumps just writing about it.
I voted in the afternoon, in a much shorter line - one that was only about 100 deep. I don't know what it is about voting that makes me grin from ear to ear. It's so incredibly exciting - I get to vote. You can't help but think of all the places where my lining up to vote would have caused much more of a stir.
Truth be told, I was a little nervous voting. I voted for a Republican for the first time in my life. It was a really hard decision too. My state house district has been held by an amazing woman, Loranne Ausley. Tough shoes to fill for any new candidate. The Democrat, however, left a bad taste in my mouth when she sued to have her opponent thrown off the ballot. The Republican is moderate. And that's probably the best thing I can say about him, aside from the fact that he's from South Carolina.
I nearly had a panic attack in the voting booth. But, like many voters of less crazed political affiliation (read: intense), I hoped I made the right decision. I felt educated (or mostly educated). I filled in my little bubble and then slipped it in the optical reader and hoped my vote would be counted. It is Florida after all...
Monday, October 20, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
I am
Published by cck at 4:25 PM
totally making this for the next tailgate.
Not Martha's Jello Fruit.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Air Quotes
Published by cck at 10:44 AM
Air quotes and rolling eyes. John McCain reminded me of myself - circa 1998, Greenville High National Forensic Debate Tournament. I was in Congress. And man, I was obnoxious. I've gotten through made-up words and snickers, I cannot stand to watch Johnny Boy for the next four years. I watched *most* of the debates last night. I had to switch to the Project Runway finale, which even with its boring finalists was still infinitely more interesting than watching John McCain grab for the right words or suck his teeth. (Did y'all hear that? It was disgusting).
I did catch this part:
I gasped. My opinions on a woman's reproductive choices are well documented. And hell yes they're liberal. You are talking about MY BODY. It works both ways. I am so lucky (oh my goodness) that I have the choice (and the ability) to use drugs and doctors and Glenda the Good Witch in order to GET pregnant. But, considering my odds of developing life-threatening issues while pregnant... You think it's a choice a mother wants to make? She puts it on her list of to-do's next to painting the nursery and wondering if the name Emma is overused?
Since I unearthed all my potential difficulties earlier this year, I've been reading A Little Pregnant. She's funny, smart and realistic. And today she posted about this issue and it's so good. You should read it. You need to read it. How could women vote for this man?
A little late...
Published by cck at 9:58 AM
I'm traveling up north next weekend (Stamford & Wappingers Falls) and I cannot wait! I've never been to Connecticut or NY during that time of the year and I'm ready see to miles and miles intensely colored leaves.
We've been doing a lot of family history searches lately and we might even spend part of Saturday going to Ellis Island. I am so excited! It's finally getting a little cooler here and the humidity is starting to drop. Hello Autumn! So, without further ado, my yearly tradition - October gave a party...
October's Party
by: George Cooper
October gave a party,
The leaves by hundreds came.
The chestnut oaks, and maples
and leaves of every name.
The sunshine spread a carpet,
Miss Weather led the dancing
Professor Wind the band.
The chestnuts came in yellow
The oaks in crimson dressed
The lovely Misses Maple
In scarlet looked their best;
All balanced to their partners
And gaily fluttered by;
The sight was like a rainbow
New fallen from the sky.
Then, in a rustic hollow,
at hide and seek they played
The party closed at sundown
and everybody stayed.
Professor Wind played louder
They flew along the ground
then the party ended
in jolly "hands around."
Monday, October 13, 2008
Taking it too far
Published by cck at 8:35 PM
I'm all for really funny, weird and/or strange advertising. Me so Hyundai? Loved it. Hated it too, but I thought it was so bad it was good.
But this? THIS? Seriously?
Lessons from Evan Almighty
Published by cck at 1:42 PM
I'm not proud of it, but last night while watching Evan Almighty and waiting for True Blood & Mad Men, I got something.
If someone prays for patience, you think God gives them patience? Or does he give them the opportunity to be patient? If he prayed for courage, does God give him courage, or does he give him opportunities to be courageous? If someone prayed for the family to be closer, do you think God zaps them with warm fuzzy feelings, or does he give them opportunities to love each other?Ha! I laughed so loud Chris was startled. Not that I haven't heard that a million times, but last night I heard it in a whole new way. I cannot believe some of the things I've been faced with in the last three years. And yet, each and every challenge: every joy and each disgrace brought me closer to God and closer to the point where I now stand. I am so incredibly blessed.
So, do you think if I pray to lose weight, God will help me with the motivation to get to the gym?
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Purple. Our home is purple.
Published by cck at 5:06 PM
The current climate in our household is, um, tense. With less than a month to the election, K. and I have taken to watching debates in separate places, let alone separate rooms. We watch YouTube clips with headphones in our ears, less we awaken the partisan beast in our respective better half.
It has been suggested to me - by more than one person - that I gently poison my spouse before election day. Just a stomach flu, they offered. Unfortunately, early voting in Florida prohibits this action. Not that I would ever take it that far. C'mon. But, it does make me happy that my vote neutralizes his. Ha! At least in this state, my vote has a chance of making a difference.
Since we need something to look forward to as a couple that does not include inauguration plans, we're having an oyster roast. I'm hoping it will become some sort of tradition, hence my naming the event the "first annual." I'm not real sure you can really do that. Not that tradition has ever stopped me, especially when oysters are involved.
Having never instigated an oyster roast, I called my grandfather to get the specifics. Apparently, we get to build a fire in our backyard! I am really excited. We're doing oysters and frogmore stew, coleslaw and cornbread. Hopefully my MIL will bring her famous Bourbon Brownies and we'll call it a day. We're even thinking of having a candidate death match - with nerf bats and face masks. It's still in development.
If you're in the Tallahassee area the Friday before the Clemson game - as in the Friday after election day, y'all come on over.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Why we're in a financial crisis...
Published by cck at 1:52 PM
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
The Center of the Universe.
Published by cck at 9:22 PM
I headed up to Oxford for the weekend. It was incredible. I still cannot believe I drove 1,000 miles. It was a small sacrifice to see the Gamecocks play!
Let's see - I was nervous before I left. Not only because I was going to see K-Cali for the first time since my wedding (gawd, was it really that long? a mistake that will not be repeated), but also because I was heading to Oxford for the first time since I left almost five years ago. It was like facing an ex-boyfriend when you've gained 20 pounds.
Driving in to town on Hwy 6 was so much easier than I thought it would be. Heck, driving was much easier than I thought it would be. It was a beautiful ride. I drove by my old apartment on Anderson Road and parked in front of the building. The motion light my dad installed was still there. It was the perfect moment.
Oooh la la was still open! My favorite little shop in Oxford. We ate dinner at Ajax. Seeing Katie was fantastic. I couldn't believe how much I missed her. I seriously had to fight the urge to cry (the only moment the whole weekend where tears almost broke through). However, I'm sure she would have teased me mercilessly. It would have been awkward for those around us.
Walking to The Grove the next morning - I could not stand it. The weather was perfect, the company genteel and the accents soothing. K. keeps teasing me because I came home with a southern accent. I can't help it -- when I hear southern voices, it reminds me so much of what I grew up with. Anyway - the best bloody marys, unbelievable spreads in every tent and the sound of the wind through trees. Not to mention a football game where I got to cheer, make friends with the people around me and see COCKY!!! (I was like a little kid). I saw a friend from high school, someone recognized from my section and I got sing the fight song. Could not have been better!
It felt like putting on my favorite jeans - visiting Oxford. I don't think I would have wanted to go back before. And I'm glad that Katie was there, whether she knew it or not, it was easier with her there. Not to mention just deep down good. Sorry this is so sappy, but everything about my weekend was just what I needed --- the calming drive, seeing old friends and having fun. Whew, I love my life.
Thursday, October 02, 2008
The grass is always...
Published by cck at 6:53 PM
I leave for Oxford tomorrow morning. And so, I've been thinking a lot about my very brief stay there. It all seems very romantic - the small town, The Square, The Grove, contracts, property and late night trips to the all-night Wal-Mart.
I've been wondering if it was such a mistake to give up on that life-long dream so easily. I have absolutely no doubt that it was right for me to leave, but why am I not going back?
For now, that desire to be humiliated in front of my peers will have to wait. I'm really excited about going tomorrow. I'm getting there a little early just to walk around. At least I can say I did it.