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Thursday, February 09, 2006

Approaching V-Day.

Published by cck at 3:13 PM

It's quickly approaching Valentine's Day. There are many things I love about Valentine's day - my mom used to make pizza and she would cut the pepperoni into the shape of hearts. (Explains so much!). In college, my friends and I would make a pilgrimage to Monterray's, drink fishbowl margaritas and hit the town. Last year, I stood on a stage and reclaimed an offensive term in USC's production of the Vagina Monologues.

It was my second performance in the Monologues at USC and I'll admit, I loved every minute of it. I'm not an actress; I get irrationally nervous on stage; I rarely like to be in the limelight... But give me a copy of Eve Ensler's play and a voice comes outta nowhere and I am transformed.
My senior year of college I was "My Short Skirt" and I actually made (sewed and stitched) the *shortest* skirt I could, replete with a sequined American flag on the back. I was a hit.

This year, the Monologues aren't until March, which eliminates my great idea of what to do next Tuesday night. I am still considering an alternate plan - devised and/or planned, I believe, from someone who did the Monologues as well - the Anti-Valentine's Day Party. Anyone got any ideas?