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Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Published by cck at 7:22 PM

As if it's not enough that I'm totally intimidated by the thin chick casually racing through sets on the machine - or the buff dude sweating on the stairmaster... No, my thighs are not the issue tonight.
No, it's more than all that.
They all have IPods. All of them. Even the six year old in the day care - I swear, I've seen it. That certain little white (or silver or pink or lime green) bulge that shows that they, not I, are totally cool. They have their pick of tunes. They are excercising to a familiar beat. They are optimizing their workout.
Ha! Ha! (crazy laugh, induced by a hot dog dinner with a paper sack full of fries).
I now will be one among them! I have purchased an IPod! Now my account at Itunes will really, well, become more expensive. I am psyched. Ten thousand songs, here I come!